"Oikos" means "a Family"
We are committed to searching out and growing in understanding of the scriptures and applying them every day to our lives.
Oikos Tamil Church, a Pentecostal Charismatic church associated with the Swiss Evangelical Alliance, was began in May 2004 under the able leadership of Pastor Larwin Nickelson.
In the past 15 years, the church has grown and now has branches in 7 cities across Switzerland in Basel, Bern, Chur, Lausanne, St. Gallen, Zug, and Zurich. Every last Sunday, all the branches come together in Bern for a special communion service, teaching, and fellowship.
The name “Oikos” in Greek means “a family”, and true to its name, the main focus of the church is families & family values.
Young people have so many possibilities in this digital age which unites them as never before. We want to walk with them, discerning these possibilities and finding God in the depths of reality.
Our Christian life begins with the discovery of what God has provided. From this point onwards Christian experience proceeds as it began, not on the basis of our own work but always on that of the finished work of another.
It is important to spend time in prayer every day. Just as you can not grow without eating food each day, so your spirit must be fed in order for growth to occur in our walk with the Lord.